
Showing posts from November, 2020


                                    MORPHOLOGY OF FLOWERING PLANTS  1.  Water is absorbed by A)   Root hairs B)   Root cap C)   Root D)   Root apex Correct Answer:  A 2.  Pneumatophores occur in plants of  A)   Sandy soil B)   Saline marshy soil C)   Marshy soil D)   Water Correct Answer:  C 3. Roots developing from plant parts other than radicle are [AFMC 1994; CET Chd. 1997; Haryana PMT 2005] A)   Epiphyllous B)   Epicaulous C)   Adventitious D)   Fibrous Correct Answer:  C 4. Roots are feebly developed in  A)   Hydrophytes B)   Mesophytes C)   Xerophytes D)   Halophytes Correct Answer:  A 5. Nodulated roots occur in A)   Pea B)   Wheat C)   Mustard D)   Rice Correct Answer:  A 6. Root cap takes part in  A)   Formation of new cells B)   Absorption of water and minerals C)   Protection of root meristem D)   Storage of food Correct Answer:  C 7. Conical fleshy roots occur in A)   Sweet potato B)   Dahlia C)   Asparagus D)   Carrot Correct Answer:  D 8. Napiform roots are recorded from