PLANT KINGDOM


A bryophytic plant has chromosome number 9.
Chromosome number in spores and protonema will be:              

A) 9 and 9        

B) 18 and 18

C) 27 and 18         

D) 9 and 18

Correct Answer: A

32.  Heterothallism is a term used for the symbiosis of:

A) Algae and Cycas

B) Algae and Fungi

C) Virus and Algae

D) Fungi and Pinus

Correct Answer: B

33. Cycas has two cotyledons but is not included under angiosperms because it has:

A) Circinate ptyxis

B) Compound leaves

C) Monocot like stem

D) Naked seeds

Correct Answer: D

34. Which one of the following is correct?

A) Protonema of moss and prothallus of Dryopteris are sporophytic.

B) Protonema of moss and prothallus of Dryopteris are gametophytic.

C) Moss protonema is sporophytic, Pteris prothallus is gametophytic but plant body of Pteris and Funaria are gametophytic.

D) Plant body of moss is gametophytic while Dryopteris is, both gametophytic and sporophytic.

Correct Answer: B

35. Bryophytes are different from fungi in having:

A) Land habit

B) Sterile jacket layers

C) Multiflagellate gametes

D) Gametophytic plant body

Correct Answer: B

36.  Which of the following statements) is/are correct?

A) In angiosperms, each embryo sac has a three-celled egg apparatus - one egg cell and two synergids, three antipodal cells and two polar nuclei.

B) All seed bearing plants i.e., gymnosperms and angiosperms follow diplontic life patterns of plants.

C) In gymosperms, roots in some genera have fungal association in the form of mycorrhiza (Pinus) while in some others (Cycas) small specialised roots called coralloid, are associated with

-fixing cyanobacteria.

D) All of the above

Correct Answer: D

37.  The characteristic trait of the plant body of bryophtyes is that:

A) plant body is more differentiated than that of algae.

B) plant body is equally differentiated to that of algae.

C) plant body is less differentiated than that of algae.

D) plant body is not differentiated.

Correct Answer: A

38. Match column-I with column-II and select the correct answer using the codes given below.
 Column-I Column-II
A.GelidiumI.Peat moss
B.SphagnumII.Agar agar
D.MycoplasmaIV.Aquatic fern
E.ZamiaV.Smallest gymnosperm plant

A) A-II            B-I       C-IV        D-III        E-V

B) A-I            B-II       C-IV        D-III        E-V

C) A-II         B-I         C-IV        D-V         E-III

D) A-II         B-IV       C-I          D-III        E-V

  • Correct Answer: A

39. The most common type of spore produced during asexual reproduction of algae is:

A) Aplanospore  

B) Endospore

C) Zoospore      

D) Oospore

Correct Answer: C

 40. Fruits are not formed in gymnosperms because of:

A) Absence of pollination

B) Absence of seed

C) Absence of fertilization

D) Absence of ovary

Correct Answer: D

41. The pyrenoids are made up of:

A) proteinaceous centre and starchy sheath.

B) core of protein surrounded by fatty sheath.

C) core of starch surrounded by sheath of protein.

D) core of nucleic acid surrounded by protein sheath.

Correct Answer: A

42.  Which of the following is known as pond scum?

A) Volvox             

B) Ulothrix

C) Nostoc              

D) Spirogyra

Correct Answer: D

43. Match column-I with column-II and select the correct answer using the codes given below.
 Column-I Column-II
A.AlgaeI.Solanum tuberosum

A) A-V         B-IV    C-I        D-II       E-III

B) A-IV        B-V     C-I        D-II        E-III

C) A-IV       B-I      C-V       D-II       E-III

D) A-IV        B-I      C-V       D-III       E-II

  • Correct Answer: B

  • 44.  Female reproductive part of bryophytes is:

A) Antheridium  

B) Oogonium

C) Archegonium  

D) Sporangium

Correct Answer: C

45. Pollination of pollen grains in Pinus takes place at:

A) One celled stage

B) Two celled stage

C) Three celled stage

D) Four celled stage

Correct Answer: D

46. Which of the following statements are correct regarding algae?
(i) Green algae occur in fresh water, brackish water, salt water.
(ii) Habitat of brown algae-fresh water (rare), brackish water, salt water.
(iii)Some red algae are found in fresh water, mostly occur in salt water, some are in brackish water.
(iv) Most of the red algae are multicellular.
(v) Red alga may occur in both well lighted regions close to water-surface and also at great depths in oceans where light penetration is little.
(vi) Cell wall of red algae consists of cellulose + agar.

A) All of the above

B) None of the above

C) (i) and (vi)

D) (ii), (iii) and (v)

  • Correct Answer: A

  • 47.  Which of the following is/are grouped under phanerograms?

A) Angiosperms 

B) Gymnosperms

C) Pteridophytes  

D) Both [a] and [b] 

  • Correct Answer: D

  •  48. Which of the following statements is/are correct?

(i) In Equisetum, the female gametophyte is retained on the parent sporophyte.
(ii) In Ginkgo, male gametophyte is not independent.
(iii) The sporophyte in Riccia is more developed than that in Polytrichum.
(iv) Sexual reproduction in Volvox is isogamous.

A) Two   

B) Three

C) Four                 

D) One

Correct Answer: A

49.  Chlorophyll and chloroplast are present in spores of:

A) Lycopodium   

B) Azolla

C) Dryopteris     

D) Marsillea

  • Correct Answer: A

50.  Cycas and Ginkgo are regarded as primitive gymnosperms because:

A) they are lacking cones.

B) they need water for fertilisation.

C) they are living fossils.

D) they have ciliated sperms.

  • Correct Answer: C

 51. The flagellate and motile spore in algae is known as:

A) Akinetes   

B) Endospore

C) Zoospore  

D) Aplanospore

Correct Answer: C

 52.  The haploid and thallus like plant body of bryophytes have:

A) vascular tissues of xylem and phloem.

B) root, leaf and stem like structures.

C) complex tissues.

D) true root, stem and leaves which bear vascular tissues.

A) every cell of the body.

B) the apical cell.

C) the basal cell.

D) accumulation of food in his body.

Correct Answer: A

 54.  Which one is a parasitic algae?

A) Vaucheria

B) Polysiphonia

C) Cephaleuros

D) Batrachospermum

Correct Answer: C

 55.  Vegetative reproduction in green algae occurs by:

A) Conidia

B) Fragmentation

C) Different types of spores

D) Both [b] and [c]

Correct Answer: D

56.  Agar-Agar is obtained from:

A) Gigartina     

B) Gelidium

C) Gracillaria         

D) All of these

  Correct Answer: D

57.  Read carefully the following statements about pteridophytes.

(i) They are used for medicinal purposes.
(ii) They are frequently grown as ornaments.
(iii) They are called vascular cryptogams.
(iv)The produce spores rather than seeds.
(v) They are used as soil binders.
Which of the statements given above are correct?

A) (i), (ii) and (v)

B) (ii), (iv) and (v)

C) (ii), (iii), (iv) and (v)

D) All of the above

Correct Answer: D

58.  Which of the following structures in Pinus are haploid?

A) Megaspore, integument, root

B) Endosperm, megaspore, pollen grain

C) Pollen grain, leaf, root

D) Megaspore, endosperm, embryo

Correct Answer: B

59.  A bryophyte suddenly started reproducing parthenogenetically. The number of chromosomes of the second generation compared to parent plant will be:    

A) Same    

B) One-half

C) Double                         

D) Triple

Correct Answer: A

60.  A gelatinous coating outside the cellulosic cell wall is observed in the members belonging to brown algae. This gelatinous coating is called-

A) Algin    

B) Polyalginate

C) Glycoalgin        

D) Mannitol

Correct Answer: A

61.  Sexual reproduction in algae results in the formation of:

A) Oospore            

B) Zoospore

C) Zygote              

D) Zygospore  

Correct Answer: D

 62. Which of the statements given are correct?

(i) Funaria possesses unicellular and unbranched rhizoids.
(ii) Mosses along with lichens are the first organisms to colonise rocks,             
(iii) Gemmae are asexual buds, which originate from small receptacles called gemma cups.
(iv) Sphagnum has magnificant property of retaining water.     

A) (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv)     

B) (i), (iii) and (iv)      

C) (ii), (iii) and (iv) 

D) (i), (ii) and (iii)

  Correct Answer: C

  63. Asexual reproduction in brown algae happens by the formation of:  

A) multiflagellate gametes and are sickle-shaped.

B) biflagellate gametes (pear-shaped and have two unequal flagella).

C) aplanospore (apple-shaped and non-motile).

D) endospores (round and have one flagella).

Correct Answer: B

 64.  Cycas plant is kept in darkness for quite a long time will have its sago yield:

A) Increased      

B) Decreased

C) Unaffected        

D) None of these 

Correct Answer: B

 65.   If the cells of root in wheat plant have 42  chromosomes, then the no. of chromosome in ' the cell of pollen grain is: 

A) 14        

B) 21 

C) 28                    

D) 42 

  • Correct Answer: B

66. Only capsule is present in sporophyte of:

A) Riccia   

B) Marchantia

C) Anthoceros    

D) Funaria

Correct Answer: A

67.  Like angiospermic parasite such as Cuscuta, there are some parasitic forms of rhodophyta, which are colourless, heterotrophic and grow on other members of rhodophyta. Select which one is a parasitic form of red algae.

A) Gelidium      

B) Harveyella

C) Choridras                      

D) Both [a] and [b]

  • Correct Answer: B

68.  In oogamy, fertilisation involves:

A) a large non-motile female gamete and a small non-motile male gamete.

B) a large motile female gamete and a small non-motile male gamete.

C) a small non-motile female gamete and a large motile male gamete

D) a large non-motile female gamete and a small motile male gamete.

  Correct Answer: D

70.  The leaf gap in the vascular cylinder in ferns, is known as:

A) Air space

B) Parenchymatous zone

C) Collenchymatous zone

D) Area exclusively of phloem 

Correct Answer: B

 71.  Choose the incorrect statement about mosses.

A) The fusion of antheridia and archegonia produced at the apex of the leafy shoots leads to sexual reproduction.

B) The sporophtye in mosses is more elaborate than that in liverworts.

C) Seta and capsule bears spores, which give rise to gametophyte after meiosis.

D) Sporophyte is differentiated into foot, seta and capsule.

Correct Answer: C

72. Seeds are found in:

A) Angiosperm   

B) Bryophyte

C) Pteridophyte   

D) Algae

  • Correct Answer: A

73.  The walking fem is so named because:

A) its spores are able to walk.

B) it is dispersed through the agency of walking animals.

C) it propagates vegetatively by its leaf tips.

D) it knows how to walk by itself. 

Correct Answer: C

74.  Mosses are:

A) upright and radial in symmetry

B) leafy

C) green

D) All of the above

Correct Answer: D

 75. "Chilgoza", a gymnosperm seed, that is eaten as a "dry fruit" is produced by:

A) Pinus roxburghii

B) Pinus gerardiana

C) Ginkgo biloba

D) Cedrus deodara
Correct Answer: B

 76. Pyrenoids in green algal cells are related to:

A) Starch storage

B) Protein storage

C) General metabolism

D) Enzyme secretion

Correct Answer: A

77.  The gametophyte of fem bears:

A) True roots     

B) Antheridia

C) Archegonia    

D) Both [b] and [c]

Correct Answer: D

78.  The unique feature of biyophytes that differentiates it from other green plant group is that:

A) they lack roots.

B) they lack vascular tissue.

C) they produce spores.

D) their sporophytes are attached to the gametophyte.

Correct Answer: D

79. The thallus of Volvox is called:

A) Trichome

B) Coenobium

C) Coenocyte    

D) Parenchymatous

Correct Answer: B

80.  In Funaria, 20 chromosomes are present in rhizoids, then the number of chromosome in calyptra, rheca and foot will be:

A) 20, 40, 40 respectively

B) 40, 20, 20 respectively

C) 20, 40, 20 respectively

D) 40, 10, 20 respectively

Correct Answer: A

81. A moss plant with mature antheridia and archegonia is exposed to dry and hot air. The egg cell will:

A) Be fertilised normally

B) Not be fertilized

C) Be burned

D) Come out of the archegonium

Correct Answer: B

82. In Ulothrix, meiosis (reduction division) occurs in:

A) Gamete            

B) Zygospore

C) Zoospore      

D) Thallus 

Correct Answer: B

83.   In moss, the sporophyte:

A) produces gametes that give rise to the gametophyte.

B) arises from a spore, produced from the gametophyte.

C) manufactures food for itself as well as for the gametophyte.

D) is partially parasitic on the gametophyte.

  • Correct Answer: D

 84. The members of brown algae are found primarily in/on:

A) Moist rock

B) Marine habitat

C) Freshwater habitat

D) Terrestrial habitat

Correct Answer: B

85.  Palmella stage is met within:

A) Ulothrix and Sphagnum

B) Oedogonium and Riccia

C) Chlamydomonas

D) Spirogyra and Gnetum

Correct Answer: C

86.  In ferns, the vascular bundles are:

A) Radial    

B) Conjoint

C) Hadrocentric  

D) Leptocentric

Correct Answer: C

87. Brown algae is characterised by the presence of:

A) Phycocyanin                 

B) Phycoerythrin

C)  Fucoxanthin     

D) Carrageenan

  • Correct Answer: C

88. Sporocarp is a reproductive structure of:

A) Some algae

B) Some aquatic ferns having sort

C) Angiosperms having spores

D) Bryophytes

  • Correct Answer: B

89.  Which is incorrect in respect to bryophytes?

A) Water is essential for sexual reproduction.

B) Presence of ciliated sperms.

C) Presence of antheridium.

D) Presence of autotrophic independent sporophyte.

Correct Answer: D

90.  Mosses are indicator of:

A) Air pollution

B) Water pollution

C) Radioactive pollution

D) Soil pollution

Correct Answer: A

91. A rigid cell wall is usually seen in members of chlorophyceae. This cell wall is constituted of:

A) cellulose (outer layer) and algin (inner layer)

B) chitin (outer layer) and pectose (inner layer)

C) cellulose (inner layer) and pectose (outer layer)

D) pectose (inner layer) and peptidoglycan (outer layer)

Correct Answer: C

92.  The type of chloroplasts observed in class- Chlorophyceae is:

A) Discoid and plate-like.

B) Spiral or ribbon-shaped.

C) Reticulate and cup-shaped.

D) All of the above

Correct Answer: D

93.  The term 'frond' in fern is used for:

A) Rachis

B) Whole plant

C) Spore bearing leaf

D) Sexually reproducing structure

Correct Answer: C

94.  Apophysis in moss capsule is:

A) Upper part    

B) Middle part

C) Lower part    

D) Fertile part

Correct Answer: C

95.  The moss plant is:

A) sometimes sporophyte and sometimes gametophyte.

B) predominantly gametophyte with sporophyte attached to it.

C) only sporophyte

D) predominantly sporophyte with gametophyte attached to it only.

Correct Answer: B

 96.In mosses, vegetative reproduction takes place by:

A) fragmentation and budding in the secondary protonema.

B) gemmae and tuber formation

C) protonema and endospore

D) gemmae formation

Correct Answer: A

97. Which one of the following is called horsetails?

A) Lycopodium   

B) Marselia

C) Equisetum     

D) Selaginella 
Correct Answer: C

98. In pteridophytes, phloem is without:

A) Sieve cells         

B) Sieve tubes

C) Companion cells

D) Both [b] and [c]

Correct Answer: D

99. Floridean starch is found in:

A) Chlorophyceae

B) Rhodophyceae

C) Myxophyceae 

D) Cyanophyceae

  • Correct Answer: B



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