STRUCTURAL  ORGANIZATION IN  ANIMALS

1.  Coelom in cockroach is:

A) Enterocoel    

B) Schizocoel

C) Pseudocoel      

D) None of these

Correct Answer: B

2. Number of fertilised eggs in ootheca of cockroach is:

A) 16 pairs in two rows

B) 16 in two rows

C) 10 in one rows

D) 8 in two rows  

Correct Answer: B

3. Read the following statements and answer the question.

(i) It is made of a single thin layer of flattened cells with irregular boundaries.
(ii) They are found in the walls of blood vessels and air sacs of lungs.
(iii) They are involved in forming a diffusion boundary.
Which of the following tissue is being described by the above statements?

A) Squamous epithelium

B) Columnar epithelium

C) Ciliated epithelium

D) Compound epithelium

Correct Answer: A

4. Match the terms given in column-I with their feature given in column-II and choose the correct option.

Column-I (Terms)Column-II (Features)
A.Exocrine glandI.They help to stop substances from leaking across a tissue
B.Endocrine glandII.Hormones are secreted directly into the fluid bathing the gland
C.Tight junctionsIII.They perform cementing to keep neighbouring cells together.
D.AdheringIV.Secretes mucus, saliva, junction?s earwax, oil, milk, digestive enzymes and other cell products.





Correct Answer: A

5. Which of the following can be absorbed by hepatic caeca?

A) Glucose and ammo acid

B) Glucose and lipid

C) Lipid

D) Glucose

Correct Answer: D

6. A student was given a sample of two tissues. He observed the tissues under the microscope and draws their figures as 1 and 2 given below.      Identify the tissues 1 and 2.

A) 1 Columnar cells bearing cilia 2 Unicellular glandular epithelium

B) 1 Cuboidal cells bearing cilia 2 Multicellular glandular epithelium

C) 1 Compound cells bearing cilia 2 Unicellular glandular epithelium

D) 1 Columnar cells bearing cilia 2 Multicellular glandular epithelium  

Correct Answer: D

7. Striated or voluntary muscle fibres are found in:

A) Lungs               

B)Leg muscles

C) Gall bladder     

D)Blood vessels

Correct Answer: B

8. The wall of heart is thick due to:

A) Pericardium     

B) Epicardium

C) Myocardium 


Correct Answer: C

9. Oxygen debt" is amount of oxygen required for:

A) Muscle contraction

B) Muscle relaxation

C) Muscle recovery

D) All of the above

Correct Answer: C

10. Match the description given in column-I with their examples given in column-II and choose the correct option.
Column-I (Description)Column-II  (Example)
A.Aquatic respiratory organI.Skin
B.Organ which acts as urogenital duct and opens into the exteriorII.Ureter
C.A small median chamber that is used to pass faecal matter, urine and sperms to the exteriorIII.Cloaca
D.A triangular structure which joins the right atrium and receives blood through vena cavaIV.Sinus Vesnosus





Correct Answer: A

11. The non-excitable, variously shaped and found between neurons are:

A) Dendrites       

B) Nissi bodies

C) Glial cells    

D) Schwann cell

Correct Answer: C

12. Consider the diagram and identify 1 to 5. 

A) 1-Pronotum, 2-Mesothorax, 3-Metathora 4-Tegmina, 5-Pleura

B) 1-Pronotum, 2-Mesothorax, 3-Metathorax 4-Tegmina, 5-Stema

C) 1-Pronotum, 2-Mesothorax, 3-Metathorax, 4-Tegmina, 5-Anal cerci 

D) 1-Pronotum, 2-Mesothorax, 3-Metathorax. 4-Tegmina, 5-Anal style

  • Correct Answer: C

  • 13. Skeletal muscles show resemblance with visceral muscles in which of the aspect?

A) Shape of muscle fibres.

B) Number of nuclei in muscle fibres.

C) Presence of actin and myosin filaments.

D) Presence of light and dark bands.

Correct Answer: C

14. Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct about muscle tissue?

A) Each muscle is made of many long, cylindrical fibres arranged in parallel arrays.

B) Muscle fibres contract (shorten) in response to stimulation, then relax (lengthen) and return to their unconstructed

C) state in a coordinated fashion. Muscles play an active role in all movements of the body.

D) All of the above

Correct Answer: D

15. RBC are absent in:

A) Cockroach  

B) Frog

C) Cow                 

D) Camel  

Correct Answer: A

16. Vitamin K is required for:

A) Formation of thromboplastin

B) Synthesis of prothrombin

C) Conversion of fibrinogen to fibrin

D) Conversion of prothrombin to thrombin

Correct Answer: B

17. Which among the following is not a characteristic of yellow fibres of connective tissue?

A) Presence of elastin

B) Fewer m number

C) Straight and branced

D) Provide toughness and strength

Correct Answer: D

18. Which of the following types of connective tissue is mismatched with its matrix?

A) Areolar - Loosely packed matrix of protein fibres

B) Bone - Mineralised matrix

C) Cartilage - Highly vascular matrix

D) Blood - Liquid matrix

Correct Answer: C

19. In the given figure of areolar connective tissue, the different cells and parts have been marked by alphabets (1, 2, 3 & 4). Choose the answer in which these alphabets correctly match with the parts and cells they indicate. 

A) 1-Adipocyte, 2-Collagen fibres, 3-Microfilament, 4-Mast cells

B) 1-Macrophage, 2-Collagen fibres, 3-Microfilament, 4-Mast cells

C) 1-Macrophage, 2-Collagen fibres, 3-Microtubule, 4-RBC

D) 1-Macrophage, 2-Fibroblast, 3-Collagen fibres, 4-Mast cells

Correct Answer: D

20. Which of the following is a purely motor nerve?

A) Vagus               

B) Facial

C) Abducens       

D) Trigeminal

Correct Answer: C

21. Sheath nuclei or Schwann cells and Nodes of Ranvier are found in:

A) Neurons

B) Osteoblasts

C) Chondroblasts   

D) Gland cells

Correct Answer: A

22. Glasson's capsules are found in:

A) Kidney of frog

B) Liver of mammals

C) Heart of frog

D) Cerebellum of rabbit

Correct Answer: B

23. Which of the following statement is not correct regarding connective tissues?

A) They are classified into four types.

B) They are most abundant and widely distributed in the body of animals.

C) They perform the function of linking and supporting the other tissues.

D) They include cartilage, bone, adipose tissue and blood.

Correct Answer: A

24. Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct regarding cockroaches?

(i) The body of the cockroach is segmented and divisible into three distinct regions - head, thorax and abdomen.
(ii) Blood vascular system is of closed type.
(iii) They are monoecious and both sexes have well developed reproductive organs.
(iv) The development of P. americana is paurometabolus, meaning there is development through nymphal stage.

A) (i) and (ii)     

B) (ii) and (iii)

C) (i) and (iv)    

D) All of the above

Correct Answer: C

25. Blood cells are formed in bone marrow. In a process known as:

A) Haemolysis     

B) Erythroblastosis

C) Haemopoiesis  

D) None of these

Correct Answer: C

26. The main difference between bone and cartilage is of:

A) Mineral salts    

B)  Blood vessels

C) Lymph vessels   

D) Haversian canals

Correct Answer: D

27. Nerve cells do not possess:

A) Neurilemma    


C) Dendrite       

D) Axon

Correct Answer: B

28. Which of the following type of tissue is being described by the given statements?

(i) They are named because of their special function of linking and supporting other tissues/organs of the body.
(ii) They include cartilage, bone, adipose tissue and blood.
(iii) They provide strength, elasticity and flexibility to the tissue.
(iv) They     also     secrete     modified polysaccharides, which accumulate between cells and fibres and act as matrix.

A) Epithelial tissue

B) Connective tissue

C) Muscle tissue    

D) Neural tissue

Correct Answer: B

29. Match column-I (function) with column-II (types of enzymes) and select the correct option.

A.SquamousI.Intestinal glands
D.CiliatedIV.Blood vessels
E.Pseudo stratifiedV.Bronchioles

A) A-I; B-II; C-IV; D-III; E-V

B) A-V; B-IV; C-II; D-I; E-III

C) A-IV; B-V; C-1; D-II; E-III

D) A-IV; B-III; C-I; D-V; E-II

Correct Answer: D

30. Krause membrane or Z-line is a myofibril which separates two adjacent:

A) Sarcomeres  

B)  H-zones

C) I-bands             

D) A-bands

Correct Answer: A

31. Titin filament connects:

A) Actin filaments to Z-line

B) Myosin filaments to Z-line

C) Actin filaments to myosin filaments

D) Myosin filaments to M-line

Correct Answer: B

32. The efferent process of neuron is known as:

A) Axon         

B)  Dendrite

C) Cyton           

D)  Neurofibrillae

Correct Answer: A

33. The inability to absorb digested nutrients may be due to damage of which type of epithelium?

A) Ciliated columnar

B) Simple columnar

C) Simple squamous

D) Simple cuboidal

Correct Answer: B

34. Tissue (interstitial) fluid would most likely be found in:

A) Loose connective tissue

B) Nervous tissue

C) Adipose tissue

D) Bone tissue

Correct Answer: A

35. Conglobate gland is present in:

A) Male cockraoch 

B) Female cockroach

C) Earthworm      

D) Hydra

Correct Answer: A

36. Which structure of man is similar to spiracle of cockroach?

A) Nostril              


C) Lungs               

D) Alveoli

Correct Answer: A

37. The most important centre for the formation of lymph is:

A) Interstitial space

B) Liver

C) Pancreas

D) Kidney

Correct Answer: B

38. The given figure refers to reproductive system of female cockroach. Choose the correct of non-showing the correct labellings indicated by A, 

A) A-Spermatheca, B-Collateral glands, C-Gonapophyses

B) A-Phallic gland, B-Collateral glands, C-Gonapophyses

C) A-Spermatheca, B-Seminal vesicle, C-Gonapophyses

D) A-Spermatheca, B-Collateral glands, C-Tegmina  

Correct Answer: A

39. Dried bone possesses (after bum):

A) Matrix lacunae, canaliculi canals and narrow cavity

B) Living cells-osteocytes

C) Only minerals

D) Only osteocyte and matrix

Correct Answer: C

40. Thousand of year old Mummies are still in their condition as they were before due to non- destruction of:

A) Yellow elastin fibres

B) White elastin fibres

C) Collagen fibres

D) Veins

Correct Answer: A

41. Which is secreted during allergic reaction?

A) Histamine       

B)  Neutrophils

C) Basophils       

D)  Acidophils

Correct Answer: A

42. Which of the following type of muscle tissue is being described on the basis of given statements?

(i) These muscle fibres taper at both ends and do not show striations.
(ii) The wall of internal organs such as the blood vessels, stomach and intestine contain this type of muscle tissue.
(iii) They are 'involuntary' as their function cannot be directly controlled.

A) Skeletal muscle  

B) Smooth muscle

C) Cardiac muscle  

D)  All of these

Correct Answer: B

43. An infection would most likely increase phagocytic activity in:

A) Elastic tissue

B) Transitional tissue

C) Adipose tissue

D) Reticular tissue

Correct Answer: D

44.The lobules containing a central vein and acini containing lumen are respectively found in:

A) Liver and Pancreas

B) Spleen and Pancreas

C) Lungs and Spleen

D) Lungs and Pancreas

Correct Answer: A

45. Keratinised stratified squamous epithelium is found in:

A) Trachea

B) Epidermis

C) Mouth cavity

D) Lining of blood vessels

Correct Answer: B

46. Pacinian corpuscles are abundantly found in:

A) Skin                 

B) Blood

C) Tissue               

D) Kidney

Correct Answer: A

47.An exocrine gland in which a portion of the secretory cell is discharged with the secretion is termed:

A) Apocrine       

B) Merocrine

C) Endocrine     

D) Holocrine 

Correct Answer: A

48. Glisson's capsule is a delicate connective tissue capsule covering the:

A) Spleen          

B) Liver

C) Kidney              

D) Gall bladder

Correct Answer: B

49. The type of connective tissue that is associated with the umbilical cord is:

A) Areolar connective tissue Br Thinking

B) Jelly-like connective tissue

C) Adipose connective tissue

D) Reticular connective tissue

Correct Answer: B

50. The figure given below shows the alimentary canal of cockroach with few structures labelled as 1, 2, 3 and 4 Identify the correct identification of the structure which is also called proventriculus and helps in grinding the food particles. 

A) 1         

B) 2     

C) 3                     

D) 4

Correct Answer: C

51. Male and female cockroaches can be distinguished externally through:

A) Anal styles in male

B) Anal cerci in female

C) Anal style and antennae in female

D) Both [b] and [c]

Correct Answer: A

52. In which of the following condition, effect of atomic warfare are the development of buccalulcers, colon ulcer and lung infection, this is because of:

A) Leukemia       

B) Erythropoiesis

C) Anaemia        

D) Agranulocytosis

Correct Answer: D

53. pH of human blood is:

A) 7.4    

B) 6.2

C) 9.0                   


Correct Answer: A

54. Which of the following are required for blood clotting in mammals?


 and vitamin K


 and vitamin A


 and vitamin K


 and vitamin E

Correct Answer: C

55. The given diagram represents the reproductive organ of male cockroach. Choose the correct matching of labelling 1, 2, 3, 4. 

A) 1 - 8th sternum, 2 - Anal cercus, 3 - 10th tergum, 4 -Anal style

B) 1 - 10th tergum, 2 -Anal cercus, 3 - Anal style, 4 - 8th sternum

C) 1 - Anal style, 2 - Anal cercus, 3 - 10th tergum, 4 - 8th sternum

D) 1 - Anal cercus, 2 - 8th sternum,  3 - 10th tergum, 4 -Anal style.

Correct Answer: A

56. Concave surface of mammalian RBCs is helpful in:

A) formation of haemoglobin.

B) increasing surface area.

C) reducing surface tension.

D) more space for haemoglobin.

Correct Answer: B

57. Which of the following statement is/are correct regarding digestive system of cockroach?

(i) Mouth opens into a short tubular pharynx, leading to a narrow tubular passage called oesophagus.
(ii) Gizzard helps in grinding the food particles.
(iii) A ring of 6-8 blind tubules called hepatic or gastric caecae is present at the junction of foregut and midgut, which secrete digestive juice.
(iv) At the junction of midgut and hindgut is present another ring of 100-150 yellow coloured thin filamentous malphigian tubules which help in removal of excretory products from haemolymph.

A) Only (i)

B) Both (ii) and (iii)

C) Both (i) and (iv)

D) All of these

Correct Answer: D

58. Match column-I with column-II and choose the correct option.

A.Periplaneta AmericanaI.Hepatic Caeca
B.A ring of 6-8 blind tubulesII.Phylum arthropoda
C.Vascular systemIII.Spiracles
D.10 pairs of small holes IV.Malpighian tubules
E.ExcretionV.Open type

A) A-I; B-II; C-III; D-IV; E-V

B) A-II; B-I; C-V; D-III; E-IV

C) A-II; B-I; C-III; D-V; E-IV

D) A- III; B - IV; C - II; D-V; E -I

Correct Answer: B

59. Which part of cockroach has both exoskeleton and endoskeleton?

A) Head                

B) Thorax

C) Abdomen       

D) All of these

Correct Answer: A

60. In cockroach, the number of ganglia are:

A) Two pairs thoracic and four pairs abdominal

B) Three pairs thoracic and six pairs abdominal

C) Three pairs thoracic and five pairs abdominal

D) Two pairs thoracic and six pairs abdominal

Correct Answer: B

61. Fat is present in which part of a neuron?

A) Cyton               

B)  Node of Ranvier

C) Dendron       

D)  Axon

Correct Answer: D

62. Most of the neurons of our body are:

A) Unipolar        

B)  Bipolar

C) Multipolar      

D)  Pseudounipolar

Correct Answer: C

63. Which of the following tissue has power of division and regeneration throughout life?

A) Epithelial tissue

B) Muscular tissue

C) Connective tissue

D) Nervous tissue

Correct Answer: A

64. Epithelial tissues arise from:

A) Ectoderm       

B)  Endoderm

C) Mesoderm      

D)  All of these

Correct Answer: D

65. A transitional epithelium is found in or where would you look for pseudo stratified columnar epithelium:

A) Kidney              

B) Ureter

C) Trachea      

D) Blood vessel

Correct Answer: C

66. Which statement regarding anal cerci and anal style in cockroach is correct?

A) Anal cerci are absent but anal styles are present in male.

B) Anal cerci are absent and anal styles are present in female.

C) Anal styles are absent and anal cerci are present in male.

D) Anal styles are absent and anal cerci are present in female.

Correct Answer: D

67. Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct regarding excretory system of cockroach?

(i) Excretion is performed by malphigian tubules.
(ii) They absorb nitrogenous waste products and convert them into uric acid which is excreted out through hindgut. Hence, this insect called ammonetelic.
(iii) In addition, fat body, nephrocytes and uricose glands also help in excretion.

A) Only (i)         

B) Both (ii) and (iii)

C) Both (i) and (iii)

D)  All of the above

Correct Answer: C

68. The function of dense regular connective tissue is:

A) Elastic recoil

B) Binding and support

C) Encapsulation of blood vessels

D) Articulation

Correct Answer: B

69. Adam's apple represents:

A) Cartilage of larynx

B) Thyroid cartilage of trachea

C) Both [a] and [b]

D) None of the above

Correct Answer: A

70. In cockroach, the first pair of wings are known as:

A) Sterna          

B) Terga

C) Tegmina        

D) Halteres

Correct Answer: C





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